Ch. 2 – Wudhu (Ablution)


General Method of Wudhu

1. The person making wudu should face the qiblah and sit on an elevated place so that the water does not splash on him.

2. When commencing wudu, Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem should be recited.

3. First of all, the hands should be washed upto the wrists three times.

4. Thereafter, rinse the mouth three times and use a miswaak.

5. If there is no miswaak, a thick cloth or even the fore-finger could be used so that all the dirt is removed.

6. If the person is not fasting, he should gargle the mouth thoroughly. However, if he is fasting, he should not gargle thoroughly because there is a possibility that water will go down the throat.

7. Thereafter, rinse the nose three times and clean it with the left hand. However, the fasting person should not allow the water to go beyond the soft-bone of the nose.

8. Wash the face three times: from the hair-line till below the chin, and from one ear-lobe to the other. Water must reach all these places. Water must also reach below the eye brows – no place should remain dry.

9. Wash the right hand upto and including the elbows.

10. Thereafter wash the left hand upto and including the elbows.

11. Make khilaal of the fingers. That is, pass the fingers of one hand through the fingers of the other hand.

12. If there is a ring or any such jewellery on the fingers, it should be removed so that no part is left dry.

13. Thereafter make masah of the head (passing wet hands over the head).

14. Make masah of the ears by inserting the forefingers into the ears and making masah of the back of the ear-lobes with the thumb of each hand.

15. Make masah of the neck with the back of the fingers of both hands. However, masah of the fore-neck/throat should not be made as this is prohibited.

16. Fresh water need not be used for making masah of the ears. Whatever water is left over after making masah of the head will be sufficient.

17. Thereafter wash the right foot upto and including the ankles. Do the same for the left foot. Make khilaal of the toes of the feet with the little finger of the left hand. When making khilaal, commence with the little toe of the right foot and end with the little toe of the left foot.

This is the correct method of performing wudu. However, there are certain acts, which if even a part is left out or not completed, then the wudu will be regarded as incomplete. In fact, it will be as if wudu was not performed at all. Such acts are called fard. There are other acts, which if left out, the wudu will be regarded as complete. Carrying out these acts will entail reward (thawaab) and these have been emphasised in the Shariah. It is a sin to leave out such acts unnecessarily. Such acts are called Sunnats. There are other acts, which if carried out entail reward, and if left out, entail no sin. Neither have they been emphasised in the Shariah. Such acts are called mustahab.

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