Ch. 1 – Beliefs


Beliefs concerning the Prophets

1. Allah Ta’ala has sent down many prophets to guide mankind onto the right path. They are all free from sins. Their actual number is known to Allah alone. In order to establish their truthfulness, Allah caused new and difficult acts to happen through them which others cannot do. Such acts are called miracles (mu’jizaat).

The first prophet is Aadam alayhis salaam and the last is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. All the others came in between these two. Some of them are famous, such as: Nuh alayhis salaam, Ibrahim alayhis salaam, Is’haaq alayhis salaam, Ismail alayhis salaam, Yaqub alayhis salaam, Yusuf alayhis salaam, Daud alayhis salaam, Sulayman alayhis salaam, Ayyub alayhis salaam, Musa alayhis salaam, Harun alayhis salaam, Zakariyyah alayhis salaam, Yahya alayhis salaam, Isa alayhis salaam, Ilyas alayhis salaam, al-Yasa’ alayhis salaam, Yunus alayhis salaam, Lut alayhis salaam, Idris alayhis salaam, Zul Kifl alayhis salaam, Salih alayhis salaam, Hud alayhis salaam, and Shuayb alayhis salaam.

2. Allah Ta’ala did not show the exact number of prophets to anyone. We should therefore have this belief that we have faith in all the prophets that Allah sent down; those that we know of and those that we do not know of as well.

3. The status of some prophets is higher than that of others. The highest status is that of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. No new prophet can come after him. He is the prophet of all mankind and jinn right until the day of Qiyamat.

4. Allah Ta’ala took our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam physically while he was awake, from Makkah to Baitul Maqdis, and from there to the seven heavens, and from there to wherever Allah wanted. He then sent him back to Makkah. This journey is known as the Mi’raj.

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