Ch. 1 – Biography of the Author


Teacher of the Teachers

Mawlana Thanawi did not have many opportunities to study under the founder of Dar al- ‘Ulum Deoband, Mawlana Qasim Nanotwi, whose last year [of life] coincided with Mawlana Thanawi’s first year there. However, Mawlana Thanawi mentions that he would occasionally attend the lectures of Mawlana Qasim Nanotwi on Tafsir al-Jalalayn (a renowned exegesis of the Holy Qur’an by Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli and his famous student Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti). The two personalities from whom Mawlana Thanawi greatly benefited were Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi and Mawlana Muhammad Ya‘qub Nanotwi.

Mawlana Thanawi said, “Among my teachers, I was spiritually attached to Mawlana Gangohi more than anybody else, with the exception of Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki. I have never witnessed such a unique personage, one in whom external and internal goodness merged so cohesively, like Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi” (Alwi 51). Mawlana Thanawi received much affection and spiritual training from Mawlana Gangohi as well. Upon the arrival of Mawlana Thanawi, Mawlana Gangohi would say, “When you arrive, I become alive” (Alwi 52). Once Mawlana Thanawi came to Gangoh to deliver a lecture. Mawlana Gangohi sent all his visitors to attend this lecture, saying to them, “What are you doing here? Go and listen to the lecture of a truthful scholar.” Mawlana Gangohi would also send some of his students to Thana Bhawan to benefit from the ocean of knowledge and spirituality that was Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi.

Mawlana Thanawi was also deeply inspired by Mawlana Muhammad Ya‘qub Nanotwi, a devout theologian and a divine mystic. Mawlana Ya‘qub had sensed that Ashraf ‘Ali was an unusual student, endowed with extraordinary traits. As a result, Mawlana Ya‘qub would make sure to include the most intricate discussions while teaching this bright student. Mawlana Thanawi, describing the lectures of Mawlana Ya‘qub, said, “His lectures were not ordinary lectures, but sessions in which one’s attention turned toward Allah. He would be teaching exegesis of the Holy Qur’an and tears would be flowing down his cheeks” (Alwi 51).

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