Ch. 21 – Salat al-Taraweeh

1. It is preferable to offer the witr salaat after the taraweeh salaat. However, it is permissible to offer it before the taraweeh salaat.

2. After four rakaats of taraweeh, it is mustahab to sit down to the extent that it took to offer the four rakaats. However, if sitting for so long will inconvenience the people and there is a fear that the congregation will decrease, then they should sit for a shorter period. In sitting down, one has the choice of offering nafl salaat on his own, reading some tasbeehs, or if he wishes, he could remain sitting silently.

3. A person completes offering his taraweeh salaat after having offered the esha salaat. After completing both these salaats he realizes that something in his esha salaat occurred which made this salaat invalid. After repeating his esha salaat, he will also have to repeat the taraweeh salaat.

4. If the esha salaat was not offered with jama’at, the taraweeh salaat should also not be offered with jama’at. This is because the taraweeh salaat is subordinate to the esha salaat. However, if a group of people offer their esha with jama’at and thereafter offer their taraweeh with jama’at, then it will be permissible for a person who has not offered his esha with jama’at to join this group in their taraweeh salaat. This is so because he will be regarded as subordinate to these people whose jama’at is valid.

5. If a person enters the musjid at a time when the esha salaat is over, he should first offer his esha salaat and then join the taraweeh salaat. And if in the meanwhile he misses a few rakaats of taraweeh, he should complete them after offering the witr salaat. He should offer the witr salaat with the jama’at.

6. It is sunnah-e-mu’akkadah to recite the entire Quran in the order that it is arranged in the taraweeh salaat in the month of Ramadaan. This should not be left out due to the laziness and negligence of the people. However, if there is the fear that by reciting the entire Quran the people will stop coming for salaat, and there will be no jama’at left, or that this will be extremely unpleasant for them; then it will be better to recite as much as they can bear. If they wish they could recite the ten Surahs from Surah al-Feel till the end. In each rakaat one Surah should be recited. When ten rakaats are completed, the same ten Surahs should be recited in the next ten rakaats. Alternatively, one could recite any other Surah which one desires.

7. More than one Quran should not be recited until the desire of the people is not known.

8. It is permissible to recite the entire Quran in one night on condition that the people are extremely anxious to do this and it will not be difficult for them. If it will be difficult for them and they will be displeased with this, it will be makruh to recite the entire Quran in one night.

9. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem should be recited loudly for any one Surah in the taraweeh salaat. This is because Bismillah is also a verse of the Quran even though it is not a part of any Surah. If Bismillah is not recited, one verse will be short for the completion of the Quran. If it is recited silently, the Quran of the muqtadis will not be complete.

10. It is sunnah to offer taraweeh salaat in the entire month of Ramadaan even if the Quran is completed before the end of the month. For example, if the entire Quran is completed in 15 days, it will be sunnah-e-mu’akkadah to continue offering taraweeh for the rest of the month.

11. Reciting Surah Ikhlaas three times in the taraweeh salaat as is the custom today, is makruh.

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