Ch. 9 – Conditions which Permit the Breaking of Salaat

1. A person is offering his salaat and the train on which his belongings or family is, is about to leave. In such a case, it will be permissible for him to break his salaat.

2. A snake appears in front of a person. Out of fear for it, it will be permissible for him to break his salaat.

3. At night, a fowl was left open and a cat came to attack it. Out of fear of the consequences, it will be permissible to break the salaat.

4. While in salaat, someone picked up one’s shoes and he fears that if he does not break his salaat his shoes will get stolen. It will be permissible for him to break his salaat.

5. A person is in salaat and the pot which costs about R1 – R2 begins to boil. So it will be permissible to break the salaat and move the pot. In other words, if there is a fear of losing anything which costs even R1 – R2, it will be permissible to break the salaat and save that thing.

6. If a person has a very urgent need to go and relieve himself, he should break his salaat, relieve himself and repeat his salaat.

7. A blind man or woman is walking and there is a well ahead and there is a fear that he or she will fall into it. In such a case, it will be fard to break the salaat and go and save them. If he did not break his salaat, and that person fell and died, he will be sinful.

8. A child’s or anyone else’s clothes caught on fire and they started to burn. It will also be fard to break the salaat.

9. A person’s parents or grand-parents are in some sort of difficulty and they call for him while he is offering his fard salaat. It will be wajib to break the fard salaat. For example, one of his parents is sick and he went to the toilet. While going to the toilet or returning from it, he slipped and fell. He should break his salaat and go and pick him up. But if there is someone else who could pick him up, he should not unnecessarily break his salaat.

10. If he did not fall as yet, but fears that he will fall and he called out for him, even then he should break his salaat.

11. If he called him without any real reason, it is not permissible for him to break the fard salaat.

12. If the person is offering a nafl or sunnah salaat and his parents or grand-parents do not know what salaat he is offering and they call for him, even then it will be permissible to break the salaat and answer to their call. This is irrespective of whether they call the person because of a need or for no apparent reason. It will be a sin not to break the salaat and respond to their call. But if they know that the person is in salaat, and yet they call him, he should not break his salaat. But if they call him out of a need and there is a fear of some harm, he should break his salaat.

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