Ch. 6 – The Method Of Offering Fard Salaat


Rules Concerning Recitation of the Quran

1. It is wajib to recite the Quran correctly. Every letter should be pronounced correctly. Just as there are differences in pronouncing the “ain” and “hamza”, there are similar differences in pronouncing the following letters:

ح    ه     ذ     ظ     ز    ض    س    ص    ث

All these have to be pronounced correctly and no letter should be pronounced in place of another.

2. If a person is unable to pronounce a particular letter correctly, it is incumbent on him to practise pronouncing it correctly. If he does not make an effort to pronounce it correctly, he will be a sinner and no salaat of his will be correct. However, even if he is unable to correct himself after making concerted efforts, then there is no compulsion.

3. If the letters can be pronounced correctly, but due to negligence and complacency they are uttered incorrectly, then the person will be a sinner and his salaat will not be correct.

4. There is no harm in reciting the Surah that had been recited in the first rakaat, in the second rakaat as well. But to do this unnecessarily is not good. (In fact, it is makruh tanzihi to do so).

5. In salaat, the Surahs should be recited in the same order as that of the Quran. For example, if a particular Surah is recited in the first rakaat, then in the second rakaat a Surah which comes after it in the Quran should be recited and not one that comes before it. For example, a person reads Surah al-Kafirun in the first rakaat. So in the second rakaat he should read: Surah an-Nasr, Surah Ikhlaas, Surah al-Falaq or Surah an-Naas. He should not recite any Surah that comes before it, such as Surah al-Fil or Surah Quraysh. To do so is makruh. But if one does this forgetfully or unintentionally, it will not be makruh.

6. Once a person commences with a Surah, it is makruh for him to leave it and start with a new Surah unnecessarily.

7. If a person does not know how to offer salaat at all, or has just accepted Islam, he should continue reading Sub’haanallah in his salaat. In doing so his fard duty will be completed. However, he should continue learning the method of offering salaat properly. If he displays any laziness in this regard, he will be extremely sinful.

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