Ch. 10 – Haid and Istihaada


Rules concerning haid

1. During haid, it is not permissible to offer salaat or to fast. The only difference is that she is completely excused from salaat. After the haid, it is not wajib on her to make qada of her salaat. However, she is not excused from fasting. After her haid she will have to keep her missed fasts.

2. If she begins to bleed while offering her fard salaat, that salaat will also be excused. After her haid she does not have to make qada of it. If she was offering an optional or sunnah salaat, she will have to make qada of it.

If she begins to bleed while fasting, that fast will break and she will have to make qada of it. Even if she bleeds while keeping an optional fast, she will have to make qada of it.

3. If she begins to bleed at the end of a salaat time and had not offered her salaat as yet, even then she is excused from that salaat.

4. During haid, sexual intercourse is not permissible. Apart from sexual intercourse everything else is permissible. In other words, they can eat, drink, and sleep together.

5. A certain woman had a habit of bleeding for five or nine days. According to her habit, she bled for that number of days and thereafter she stopped bleeding. As long as she does not have a bath, sexual intercourse will not be permissible with her until one salaat time passes whereby the qada of one salaat becomes wajib on her.

6. If she had a habit of five days and she stopped bleeding after four days, she will have to have a bath and salaat will be wajib on her. But as long as five days do not pass, sexual intercourse with her will not be permissible because it is possible that she will start bleeding again.

7. If she bled for a full ten days and ten nights, then the moment she stops bleeding, sexual intercourse with her will be permissible irrespective of whether she had a bath or not.

8. If she stopped bleeding after one or two days, it is not wajib on her to have a bath. She can make wudu and offer her salaat but intercourse is not permissible. If she starts to bleed again before fifteen days, it will now be established that those days were the days of haid. According to calculation, whichever days were of haid should be regarded as haid. Now she will have to have a bath and offer her salaat. However, if fifteen days pass and she did not bleed, it will now be established that those one or two days were of istihaada. Since she did not read her salaat for that one or two days on account of bleeding, she will now have to make qada of those missed salaats.

9. She has the habit of bleeding for three days. But in a particular month, three days passed and she still had not stopped bleeding. She should not have a bath nor should she offer any salaat. If on the completion of ten days and ten nights, or before that, she stops bleeding; then the salaat for all these days will be excused. She will not have to make any qada and it will be said that now her habit has changed and all these days will therefore be of haid. But if she bled on the eleventh day as well, it is now established that only three days were of haid and all the rest were of istihaada. She has to have a bath on the eleventh day and make qada for the salaats of the seven days. She should not leave out her salaat now.

10. If she had haid for less than ten days and she stopped bleeding at such a time that so little time was left to offer her salaat that if she had to rush and have a bath, and after bathing so little time is left that she could only say Allahu Akbar and make her intention and could not read anything further; even then the salaat of that time will become wajib on her. She will have to make qada of it. If the time left is even less than this, that salaat will be excused and she does not have to make qada.

11. If she had haid for the full ten days and ten nights and she stopped bleeding at such a time that she only has time to say Allahu Akbar and nothing else, nor has she the time to even have a bath; then even in this case salaat will become wajib on her and she will have to make qada.

12. If she stopped bleeding in Ramadaan during the day, it will not be proper for her to eat or drink for the rest of the day. It will be wajib on her to behave like all other fasting persons until sunset. However, this day will not be counted as a fast. She will have to make qada of it.

13. If she stopped bleeding in Ramadaan at night and she had haid for the full ten days and ten nights, then if such a little time of the night is left that she cannot even say Allahu Akbar once, it will still bewajib on her to keep fast the next day.

If she had haid for less than ten days, then if she has so much time of the night whereby she could have a quick bath but after bathing she does not have the time to say even one Allahu Akbar; even then she will have to keep fast the next day. If she had the time, but did not have a bath, she should not break her fast. Instead, she should make her intention (for fasting) and have a bath in the morning. If she has even less time than this, that is she does not have the time to have a bath, then it will not be permissible for her to fast the next day. However, it will not be proper for her to eat or drink anything. She will have to spend the entire day like all other fasting persons and even make qada of that fast.

14. Once blood flows into the external skin of the vagina, haid commences. This is irrespective of whether it flows out of the skin or not. So if some cotton wool or something similar is inserted into the vagina whereby the blood cannot flow out, then as long as the blood remains in the vagina and no spot of blood comes onto the cotton wool (or pad) that is outside; until then we cannot say that haid has commenced. When a spot of blood comes onto the external skin of the vagina or if the cotton wool which was inserted is removed; then haid will be calculated from that time.

15. A woman who was not in haid inserted a tampon in the internal vagina at night. In the morning, she saw a spot of blood on the pad. Haid will be calculated from the time that she saw the spot of blood.

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