Ch. 6 – The leftover water of animals

1. The leftover water of human beings is pure irrespective of whether the person is a disbeliever, or a woman is in her monthly period, or in nifaas. In all cases it will be pure. In the same way, the perspiration of all these persons is pure. However, if there is any impurity on the hands or mouth, that leftover water will become impure.

2. The leftover water of a dog is najis. If a dog puts its mouth in a utensil, it will become purified after washing it three times irrespective of whether the utensil is of clay or copper, etc. All these will be purified once they are washed. However, it is preferable to wash it seven times and thereafter to scrub it once with sand (or soap) so that it is thoroughly washed.

3. The leftover water of a pig is also impure. In the same way, the leftover water of lions, wolves, monkeys, jackals and all other ferocious animals is impure.

4. The leftover water of a cat, although pure, is makruh. In the presence of other water, it should not be used for wudu. However, if no other water is found, it can be used for wudu.

5. If a cat puts its mouth in milk or curry, etc. then a man whom Allah Ta’ala has bestowed with wealth should not consume it. But if a man is poor, he can consume it. There is no harm or sin in this. In fact, for such a person, its consumption is not even makruh.

6. A cat killed a rat. Immediately thereafter it put its mouth in a utensil. This will render it impure. But if it does so after some time, after having licked its mouth, it will not be impure but will remainmakruh.

7. The leftover water of a fowl which is not encaged and which eats filth and dirty things is makruh. The leftover water of a fowl that is encaged is pure.

8. The leftover water of birds of prey such as hawks and falcons is also makruh. But those that are domesticated and are unable to eat dead animals, nor is there any doubt about any impurity being on their beaks – their leftover water is pure.

9. The leftover water of halaal animals such as sheep, goats, cows, buffaloes, antelopes, etc.; and halaal birds such as nightingales, parrots, doves, sparrows, etc., is all pure. Similarly, the leftover water of horses is also pure.

10. The leftover water of creatures which inhabit houses, such as snakes, scorpions, rats, lizards, etc. is makruh.

11. If a rat nibbles at a piece of bread, it will be better to break off that portion and then consume it.

12. The leftover water of a donkey or mule is pure but doubtful for wudu. If only this water is present and no other water can be found, wudu as well as tayammum will have to be made. One has the choice to make any one of the two first.

13. The sweat of animals whose leftover water is impure is also impure. And the sweat of those whose leftover water is pure is also pure. And those whose leftover water is makruh, their sweat is alsomakruh. The sweat of a donkey or mule is pure. If it comes on the clothing, washing it will not be obligatory but preferable.

14. If a domesticated cat comes and sits on someone or licks the hands or some other part of the body, then where ever it licks or where ever its saliva goes – all these will have to be washed. If it is not washed, but left as it is, then this is makruh and detestable.

15. The leftover food and drink of an unrelated person of the opposite sex is makruh if it is known that it is of a particular person. But if it is not known by whom it has been left behind, it will not bemakruh.

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