Ch. 3 – Ghusl (Bathing)


Those conditions when ghusl is not fard

1. If semen does not come out with desire from its actual place, ghusl will not be fard even if it comes out from the exit. For example, a person lifted a heavy weight, fell from an elevated place, or someone hit him and out of this shock semen came out without any desire. In this case ghusl will not be fard.

2. If a man has intercourse with any under-aged woman, ghusl will not become fard on condition that semen does not come out and that woman is so young that one fears that by having intercourse with her, her private parts will become connected.

3. If a person wraps his penis with a cloth and has intercourse, then ghusl will not become fard on condition that the cloth is so thick that he does not feel the heat of the body, nor does he get any enjoyment from the intercourse. But as a precaution, it is best to say that the moment the glans is inserted, ghusl becomes wajib.

4. If a man inserts less than the size of the glans of his penis, ghusl will not be fard.

5. By the emission of mazi and wadi, ghusl does not become fard.

6. Ghusl is not fard in the case of istihaada.

7. If a person has the sickness of continuous flowing of semen, then due to this flowing, ghusl will not be fard on him.

8. On awakening, some wetness is noticed on the clothes. In the following cases ghusl will not be compulsory:

  1. he is convinced that it is mazi and does not even remember having a wet dream,
  2. he is in doubt as to whether it is semen or wadi and does not even remember having a wet dream,
  3. he is in doubt as to whether it is mazi or wadi and does not remember having a wet dream,
  4. he is convinced that it is wadi, but remembers having a wet dream,
  5. he is convinced that it is wadi and does not even remember having a wet dream,
  6. he is in doubt as to whether it is manimazi, or wadiand does not remember having a wet dream.

Note: As a precaution, it will be wajib to make ghusl in the first, second and sixth cases. If he does not make ghusl, his salaat will not be valid and he will be committing a grave sin. This is because there is a difference of opinion between Imam Abu Yusuf and tarafayn, i.e. Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam MuhammadImam Abu Yusuf says that ghusl is notwajib, while tarafayn say that it is wajib and the fatwa is according to what tarafayn say.

9. By injecting something into the anus, ghusl does not become fard.

10. If a man inserts his penis into the navel of a man or woman, ghusl will not become fard if semen does not come out.

11. In his dream a person sees his semen coming out and he even experiences satisfaction upon its emission. However he does not see any wetness or any other traces on his clothing. Ghusl will not befard in this case.

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